"Inspired by a dramatic scenery, unspoken forces, volcanos throwing fire and ashes on virgin snow, hot sources and masses of water falling and falling in front of me, the breath of a little horse, the rythm of an ancient language. Conversations with earth elements. A picture stream of frozen moments, stories - sagas. A transformation. Images turned from positive to negative - inside out - like the ancient spiritual principle that real work is always created from the inside".
A full size artist book on Zerkall Wove 340g, format 40 cm x 46 cm x 3.5 cm with 19 pages, 16 photogravures with plate size 32 x 32 cm, colophon, japanese bound, hardover, screen printed text + cassette.
I have also made a smaller version on same paper quality with 18 photogravures on both sides + text + colophon, in leporello format, hardbound, size 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm, plate size 10 cm x 10 cm, full length 2m10.
Both books are unique.