Birkerød Art Association February 22 - March 16. On first floor of the lovely presbytery I will be celebrating Women, Mother earth, Recycling and Artistbooks.

11th International Graphic Triennale Bitola, 2024, Pavilion Museum Tijani China, 2024-2025 Tianyi Pavilion Museum China


KONTUR 2 at Grafiska Sällskapet, Stockholm, with Danish Printmakers Association November 30 - December 18

Selected for the juried exhibition "Roskilde Åben 2024’ November 9 December 8 at Roskilde Art Association in Palæfløjen next to Roskilde Cathedral

10th International Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius 2024 at the Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln, Germany October 25 - December 1

Invited for the 11th International Triennial of Graphic Art Bitola, North Macedonia - ‘Certificate for artistic-graphic outstanding achievements’

GrafikGalleriet, Grafisk Værksted Næstved, Holmegård members exhibition untill September 1

Staldgalleriet, Selsinggaarde 6, Samsø invited for the annual Summer exhibition until September 1

10th International Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius 2024 at the Museum of Applied Arts and Design, Vilnius, Lithuania May 24 – July 1

The IAKH Leipzig Book Fair March 21 -24 with 10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024

‘Midt i en overgan¨’ med BKF Nord på Annaborg, Hillerød Kunstforening, Hilerød until April 28

Selected for CMA24 the juried miniprint exhibition in Copenhagen January 6 - 30


Grateful to have receceived The Special Prize by the IBMB BITOLA 2023, North Macedonia

Two works selected for the juried exhibition "Roskilde Åben 2023’ November 11 December 10 at Roskilde Art Association

Two works selected for The Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, Woolwich Works, Royal Arsenal, London until 05 Nov. 2023

Solo show at Lyngby Art Association, Portnerboligen, Sophienholm, September 30 - October 22

Grateful to be invited for the IBMB Bitola 2023 - The International Biennial of Miniature Graphics in Bitola, the Republic of Macedonia end of 2023

Selected for the Fifth International Printmaking Triennial ULUS, Belgrade, SERBIA November

Selected for the juried International Contemporary Miniprint Kazanlank at Art Gallery Kazanlak, Kazanlak, Bulgaria -June

Exhibiting at Toldboden Kerteminde with the Proces group from April 5 - 30

Solo show at fsb Art Association in Copenhagen March 1- 31

Grateful to have been invited for the JGC Gravure Contemporaine exhibition A TRAVERS / DE TRAVERS’ in PARIS at the Marie 6th arr. February 8 - March 1


Grateful to have work selected for the juried Kunstpunkts Exhibition in Augustenborg untill early January

Solo exhibition at the Taastrup Kulturcenter 10. november til 14. december 2022.

Exhibiting with the group PROCES at the SAK-artbuilding in Svendborg October - November

Grateful that my work from ‘Imellem lys og skygge' ´ has been selected for Limfjordens Censurerede Efterårsudstilling

Grateful that my work from ‘Entre l’ombre et la lumière ´ has been selected for the 5th International Printmaking Biennial Čačak in Serbia

Works Art Fair, Godsbanen, Aarhus from September 9 - 11

Selected for the curated open call exhibition ‘New School at Danish Printmakers House in Copenhagen, January 14 - 30. Info på dansk under New School.

Selected for the Juried CMA2022 - The Copenhagen Miniature Art at Gallery Nybro, Copenhagen, January 8 - 28


Selected for the juried exhibition "Roskilde Åben 2021" November 13 - December 12

Selected for the juried exhibition at the Art Association Limfjorden, Gimsinghoved - with special mention by the jury

Huset i Asnæs ‘Exhibition 2020’ with members of the Association of Danish Graphic Artist - October

Selected for the Juried CMA2021 at Gallery Nybro, Copenhagen until October 17th

Grateful to have been selected for the juried 10th BITOLA International Triennial of Graphic Art with honorable mention

VANDREHALLEN Hillerød Library with members of BKF The Danish Visual Artist Association August - September 5

Grateful to have been selected for the juried Okanagan Print Triennial International Exhibition of Printmaking, CANADA, Vernon Public Art Gallery


The Fourth International Printmaking Triennial ULUS, Belgrade, SERBIA, an online exhibition with Catalogue my work is on page 23

Annaborg Arthall, Hillerod together with member of BKF The Danish Visual Artist Association June - August, 2020

Due to the general worldwide lock down many upcoming exhibitions have been postponed or cancelled until further notice.

Selected for the juried 8th International Print Art Triennial in SOFIA 2019 at the Union of Bulgarian Artists, Sofia from November, 2019 - January, 2020


Grateful to have been invited for the JGC Gravure Contemporaine for EMPRUNTS-EMPREINTES in PARIS November - December

My artistbook ‘EXODUS’ selected for the 8th Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018 now at the Reed Library, State University of New York at Fredonia 1/11 – 4/12

Selected for the juried autumn exhibition at LIMFJORDEN Art Association September - October

My artistbook ‘EXODUS’ selected for the 8th Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018 is on display at the Evanston Art Center, IL, USA August – September

Naestved Graphic Workshop ‘WOODCUTS’ exhibition , Naestved, Denmark May 18 - July 28 showing my artistbook Which Way

My artistbook ‘EXODUS’ selected for the 8th Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018 – is on display at the Clock Tower Library in Plunge, LIthuania until July 8th, 2019

The Juried 7th International Contemporary Miniprint Kazanla, Art Gallery Kazanlak, Kazanlak, Bulgaria, June

‘SOLIDARITETSSALONEN’ at ‘TALETID’ Artcenter Rønnebæksholm, Næstved, Denmark April - June showing my artistbook Traces d’Amour

Summer exibition with BKF NORD at Vandrehallen, Hillerod Bibliotek, Hillerod, Denmark May - June

The Gallery El Catascopio, Barcelona, Spain, juried group exhibition from May - June

Danish Graphic Society Group Exhibition ‘TRYKT’ Copenhagen May

Museum Leone, Vercelli, Italy - my artist book EXODUS is on display as part of the 8th International Artist’s Books Triennial Vilnius 2018 February – March


My linocutStairway to Heavenjuried through to Tokyo International MiniPrint Triennial 2018 on display at Tama Art University Museum October - December

The Art Association 3F, Copenhagen - November - December

The Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania, The 8th International Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius 2018  July - September

The Association of Danish Visual Artists BKF Nord Group exhibition at Vandrehallen Hillerød Library July - September

9th International Triennial of Graphic Art Bitola 2018 - Honorary Prize for remarkable contribution within the graphic art in the world    

La Biennale Internationale de l’Estampe de Dreux,  FRANCE  awarded 2nd Prize  for my gravures "MES RACINES"  on display April to June  

S U P E R N O V A  - Graphic Group Show at Galleri Christoffer Egelunds Projekt Room, COPENHAGEN  May - June

“DATA”, Urbino, ITALY. The 8th nternational Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius 2018 will be part of the “Urbino e le Citta del Libro” Festival May 14-20   

Group exhibition Grafisk Værksted Næstved at PORTALEN organised by Køge Bugt Art Association - March to April

My artist book 'EXODUS' has been juried through to the 8th International Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius 2018 

Two of my gravures from "NOCTURNAL NOTES" have been juried through to VK18 in Holbaek, Denmark  and Awarded 3rd Prize- January 13 to February 11  -


Selected for the Juried 3rd International Printmaking Triennial ULUS in Belgrade, SERBIA  

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Copenhagen

Tulehøj Kunst- og Kulturfestival, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen

The Næstved Graphic Workshop, DENMARK,  SPRING exhibition  

The KASTRUPGAARD Collection , Copenhagen, DENMARK - The Black School   

Galleri ØCKENLUND, Copenhagen,  DENMARK  

Selected for the Juried TOKYO International Mini Print Triennial Touring Exhibition 2015 in SAPPORO, JAPAN 


Juried through to BIMPE IV the Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition, Vancouver, CANADA  

My photogravures 'Dans mes reves'  have been juried through to the Biennial International de l’Estampe de Dreux,  FRANCE - Awarded 3rd Prize

The Art Center Silkeborg Bad  'A forest of prints'  with The Association of Danish Graphic Artists, DENMARK

BRANDTS 13, Odense,  The Black School, Fyns Graphic Workshop, DENMARK 

UNDER ONE SKY - Imago Mundi, the collection of contemporary art promoted by Luciano Benetton, on a two-years journey across China departed at the beginning of November 2016 and concluding at the end of December 2018

Skagen - Odde Naturcenter, Group Exhibition with KKS, DENMARK 

Kirstens Kjærs Museum, Group Exhibition with KKS, DENMARK 

Gammelgaard Art Center, Herlev  - Group Exhibition with KKS, DENMARK


My work 'URBAN TRACES' accepted for the juried  7th Engraving Biennial of St. Maur, St. Maur Museum, PARIS 

My artist book 'Infinite movements' has been juried through to the 7th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2015 

My unique print 'Circle of Life' was juried through to the Tokyo International Miniprint Triennial 2015, Tama University, TOKYO

Selected for the IMAGO MUNDI,  Fondazione Giorgio Cini, VENICE, ITALY  

7th Artist’s Book Triennial was on display at the  Museo Leone, VERCELLI,  ITALY

Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Biennale For Miniature Graphics, ALEXANDRIA


Solo show 'Inside Out' at IPA Gallery, Icelandic Printmakers Association, Reykjavik, ICELAND -  video

Juried through to Miniprint Finland 2014  at The Graphic Artist Association of Lahti Hyvinkää Art Museum

Working grant at The National Workshop for Arts and Crafts, Gl. Dok, Copenhagen

Grant from the Knud Hojgaard Foundation and the The Foundation for Danish-Icelandic Cooperation


My work 'OMBRES' juried through to the 6th Engraving Biennial of St. Maur, at the St. Maur Museum, PARIS

Selected for the exhbition "SORT" , graphic works representing studio Atelier Agerbo, Copenhagen

International Print Triennial Krakow 2012 - 'Where is printmaking'? Opole Contemporary Art Gallery, POLAND 

Artist residency at St. Michele, Venice

Danish Graphic Society 'Through the mail slot'  a member exhibition

200 days 200 photo books, Fotografie Forum Frankfurt

FOTO TRIENNIAL, Odense, Denmark with The Funen Graphic Workshop 

The Hillerod Juried Spring Exhbition, Hillerod, DENMARK


Galleri Varming, Copenhagen  

Artist residency 3 months in Paris at La Fondation Danoise

Working 3 months at Atelier Bo Halbirk 

Grant from Den Ingwersenske Foundation and Knud Hojgaard Foundation


Juried through to Portrait Now, Brewer J.C. Jacobsen’s Nordic Portrait Exhibition, Frederiksborg Castle. My work also appears in the richly decorated catalogue published by the Frederiksborg Castle 

En Volume Exposition internationale d’estampes contaimporaines, Eremitage, Rueil-Malmaison, France March 3 - April 7, 2011

Artist residency at The Icelandic Visual Artists Association ‘SIM’, Reykjavik, Icelandic Printmakers Studio

Working one month at the graphic Atelier Bo Halbirk in Paris


Juried through to FOOTPRINT 2nd Biennial International, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Connecticut, USA


Juried through to Portrait Now, Brewer J.C. Jacobsen’s Nordic Portrait Exhibition, Frederiksborg Castle. My work also appears in the richly decorated catalogue published by the Frederiksborg Castle 


Gallery Think Ink - Art on Paper, COPENHAGEN -  HAFNARBORG, Institute of Culture and Fine Art, ICELAND -  Galleri Varming, Copenhagen 


Juried through to Portrait Now, Brewer J.C. Jacobsen’s Nordic Portrait Exhibition, Frederiksborg Castle. My work also appears in the richly decorated catalogue published by the Frederiksborg Castle 

The Artists Autumn Exhibition KE - Den Frie - COPENHAGEN


The Röhss Museum of Applied Art and Design, Gothenburg, SWEDEN


The Round Tower, Copenhagen