"Inspired by a dramatic scenery, unspoken forces, volcanos throwing fire and ashes on virgin snow, hot sources and masses of water falling and falling in front of me, the breath of a little horse, the rythm of an ancient language. Conversations with earth elements. A picture stream of frozen moments, stories - sagas. A transformation. Images turned from positive to negative - inside out - like the ancient spiritual principle that real work is always created from the inside".

INSIDE OUT is a photographic / graphic extension of a residency in 2011. My return to ICELAND in 2014 was like a circle being closed but also like a new beginning. 

All hand printed as photogravure at Gl. Dok, Copenhagen,  the Danish National Workshop for Arts and Craf. Paper is Zerkall Wove off white 340g, edition of 25, plate size 32 x 32 cm and paper size 52 x 68 cm,  embossed and discreetly signed on front.

A full size artist book on same paper quality with 19 pages, 16 photogravures, colophon, hardover, screen printed text, with cassette. Unique, signed book.  A smaller size artist book has been made as well.   

Common for the gravures is the fact that they should really be appreciated in real life since the digital version does not render the full tactile qualilties of the gravure. 

Video from the exhibition in  Iceland