The huge increase in the flood of migrants seen since late 2015 and the many obstacles these poor people have to overcome has inspired me to a series of prints and several artist books, all unique and with titles like Which Way, On No Location and Exodus.
These works often see light of day as photogravure printed with mulitiple plates, photogravure and woodcut and some also with chine collé of Japanese Gampi paper and text.
This particular book is printed on one single piece of Zerkall Wove off white 340g with woodcut and photogravure + chine collé of Japanese Gampi paper on which a text is printed in photogravure.
The ink used is a mixture of Charbonell and Gutenberg. It is folded like a leporello held together by an old bookcover size 14.6 x 15.3 cm. Full size is 14 x 112 cm, each print is 14 cm, printed and bound in Copenhagen in 2016.
This book will be on display at Næstved Graphic Workshop from May - to June 2019.